
GEM port and rewrite of an old arcade game edited by NAMCO. The purpose of this freeware is fun and study. Monetization is forbidden.

Needs: 3MB RAM, screenmode since 320*400px with 256 colors or more.
Recommended: NVDI, TT-RAM, high-end Atari compatible machine such as V4SA, FireBee, Falcon060, Milan…

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 1.5 MB 1.0 01-12-2025
GFA Sources + graphics 3.5 MB

3 réflexions sur « PacMania »

  1. Change for this 1.0:

    • add: basic AI for ghosts.
    • add: fine tuning for levels, according to websites game analysis.
    • add: local score and online highscores.
    • add: hub (lifes, fruits collection, score, messages).
    • add: pacman and ghosts interactions.
    • add: deaths sequences, eyes state and ghost regeneration in nest.
    • add: regular, green, pink power pills and fruits/bonus.
    • add: bonus and catches gains.
    • First release as preview: only eat pellets, run through levels, no interaction with ghosts, no bonus, no scores, no music.
    • Intro sequences are not planned, nor level pre-selection.

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