B+ Project

See snapshots est un port-réécriture en GEM et GFA de la version remasterisée Amiga. Nécessite un mode vidéo au minimum de 640*480 px et 256 couleurs.
Sur machine rapide de préférence.

is a GEM and GFA port of the revamped Amiga version. Work-In-Progress.
Since 640*480*256c screenmode. NVDI and quick machine strongly advised.

Archive Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 3.5 MB W.I.P. 05-27-2024
GFA Sources 176 KB

Older versions are kept in the repository.

Some videos can be found on my youtube account to see the work-in-progress.

3 réflexions sur « B+ Project »

  1. In this w.i.p. archive:

    • fix: alert for 640×400 screenmode minimum needed (then continue).
    • fix: preferences windows is width reduced.
    • fix: add « u: » and convert to antislashes for $HOME value written in un*x slashed format.
    • chg: use of clean revamped EXIST() instead of old Fopen() trick.
    • fix: missing C-String nullbyte-end when loading lonely image.
    • fix: crash under FalconTOS without NVDI, if image blitting exceeds right border.
    • fix: CLIPBRD\SCRAP.TXT not initialized (for cut/copy/paste in edit field in preferences).
    • add: control option: freeze keyboard buffer (function from DGEM), cleans buffer key. PC keyboard type is removed.
    • fix: highscores window oversized screen under if screenmode < 480px height.
    • fix: flickering in title/credits window if button was continuous clicked.
    • fix: wrong test of _SND (wrong bit 1, right bit 5) for XBIOS Falcon sound.
    • fix: display when zoom*2 or zoom*3 is supported by (N)VDI.
    • fix: crash error 14 (GFA arrays already DIMed).
    • fix: glitch when pale amoured barbarian is rolling.
    • fix: high+low parry fighter move were too quick.
  2. Second w.i.p. archive:

    • fix: on loading screen, title image shown earlier, loaded before cache.
    • add: joystick and keyboard controls.
    • add: all fighters sprites (6 human males, 2 human females, 2 lizards, 6 opponents).
    • add: all fighters moves (atack, defense, death, specials)
  3. First w.i.p. release:

    • add: title and credits screen, introduction sequence, levels with their animations
    • chg: fork from the X2 Project

    Thanks to _Dbug_ for his scanned map

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