Archives de catégorie : Atari – librairies


Library using the LDG system and the dosfs functions, only for floppy disks images (hard disk support is removed), taken from ggnkua’s Jacknife Total Commander plugin, and modified a little to rename files/folders (and volume name if present in the FAT).
Used by:
KK Commander to handle ST and MSA floppy disks images.
Other programs can use it, please read KKcmd GFA sources (dfs_* functions) as exemple.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 95 KB 20-05-2024 release 1
C Sources 125 KB from Jacknife/dosfs 1.03


Library using the LDG system and the zlib functions (crc32, deflate and inflate algorithms, etc).
Used by:
KK Commander to handle PKZIP archives (zip, unzip).
Troll and Crésus to create backup archives (zip).
Other programs can use it, please read the how-to and functions calls in the st-guide documentation and exemple.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 118 KB 10-05-2024 release 6
C Sources 478 KB from zlib 1.3.1
GFA Source 151 KB 05-10-2024 usage example,
originaly released for STimulus #10 webzine

Older and lighter versions are kept in the repository.


Library using the LDG system and the PolarSSL/mbedTLS library.
Brings SSL/TLS layer (SSL 3.0 to TLS 1.2) to clients applications using MiNTnet and STinG/STiK TCP layers.
Used by :
Troll, usenet and email client.
Meg, mailbox checker and spam eraser.
Litchi, ftp client.
Other programs can use it, please read the how-to and functions calls in the st-guide documentation.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.
TLS 1.2 needs a very strong CPU (060, ColdFire, Aranym, V4SA).

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 398.3 KB 05-28-2018 release 8
C and GFA Sources 162.6 KB download also mbedTLS 1.3.22
(local link)
HYP guide 7.1 KB how-to use this LDG

Older versions are kept in the repository.


Library using the LDG system and the tiny iconv implementation library.
Brings tool to convert some charsets (not all) to another.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 324.7 KB 07-20-2015 release 1
C and GFA Sources 426.3 KB from tiniconv and libiconv
HYP guide 3.8 KB how-to use this LDG
68K CFv4e 24.3 KB test program with samples