
See snapshotClient FTP sous GEM. Nécessite la couche TCP/IP STinG ou MiNTnet+Gluestick. Supporte la couche SSL/TLS (méthodes explicite et implicite) pour le chiffrage des commandes et des données.

FTP client which can handle secure connections (ftpes:// and ftps://).
STinG or MiNTnet+Gluestick TCP/IP layer needed.

The program needs:
Polarssl.ldg to manage secure connections. This library brings SSL/TLS to MiNtnet and STinG TCP layers, and allows Litchi to connect with FTP over SSL/TLS.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
Français 68K CFv4e 132 Ko 1.3L 30/08/2024
English 68K CFv4e 129 KB 08-30-2024
Deutsch 68K CFv4e 133 KB 30.08.2024 Translated by Lars SCHMIDBAUER
English GFA Source 206 KB 08-30-2024


Means « Pixels to Sprites & Masks »: image tool dedicated for games development (2/16/256 colors sprites). Work is done on chunky two-dimensional byte-array, so that image modifications are made independently to current screenmode.
Currently evolving to plain drawing tool.

Needs EdDI cookie for offscreen VDI (NVDI), plenty of RAM and strong CPU.
Uses a customized PARX.SYS, provided in the archives.

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 329 KB 1.2 08-22-2024
GFA Sources 151 KB

LCD Games

Modest GEM ports of Nintendo’s Game&Watch LCD games from the eighties.
Since 320x200px and 16 colors screenmode. Use Falcon XBIOS DMA sound or compatible layer.

Currently available: Fire, Parachute, Chef, Octopus, Man Hole, Tropical Fish.
Other may be added in the future.

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 213 KB release 2 08-16-2024
GFA Sources 282 KB

KK Commander

See snapshotKK Commander est un miniclone de Total Commander, pour manipuler les fichiers au clavier et les lancer. Il peut se substituer au bureau, depuis le TOS de base en 320*200 jusqu’à un environnement multitâche sur grand écran.
Comporte quelques outils additionnels :
– fractionement/recombinaison compatible TC,
– gestion des images disquettes MSA et ST,
– gestion des fichiers PKZIP (méthodes STORE et DEFLATE).
Les fichiers .zip, .msa et .st vont vus comme des dossiers classiques.

KK Commander is a miniclone of Total Commander. Meant to manipule easily with the keyboard files to copy, move and launch. Can serve as an alternative desktop, since 320*200 screen and 1 MB RAM. Additional features:
– handle MSA and ST floppy disk images,
– split/unsplit files (TC compatible),
– handle of ZIP archive files.
.zip, .msa and .st files are seen as classic directories.

The program uses the Deflate.ldg library for PKZIP and Dosfs.ldg library for ST/MSA files.

Archives Size Version Date
Français 68K CFv4e 103 Ko 1.7B 01/06/2024
English 68K CFv4e 102 KB 06-01-2024
Français GFA Source 116 Ko 06-01-2024

Older and lighter versions are kept in the repository.


See snapshotis a Dungeon Master clone.
The program uses the images of the legendary game. So you must have the original disk of Dungeon Master or Chaos Strikes back for the copyright.
If you’re a DM-addict, go to see the The Dungeon Master Encyclopedia.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
UK All 68K CFv4e 1.9 MB 1.2D 05-28-2024
Fixes 68K CFv4e 149 KB If you have already v1.0.
GFA Sources 483 KB With its dev-utils.
Français Guides 25 Ko 28/05/2024 Traduits par Bibou.
UK DEditor 68K CFv4e 143 KB 1.1 05-28-2024 See the snapshot (23 KB).

B+ Project

See snapshots est un port-réécriture en GEM et GFA de la version remasterisée Amiga. Nécessite un mode vidéo au minimum de 640*480 px et 256 couleurs.
Sur machine rapide de préférence.

is a GEM and GFA port of the revamped Amiga version. Work-In-Progress.
Since 640*480*256c screenmode. NVDI and quick machine strongly advised.

Archive Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 3.5 MB W.I.P. 05-27-2024
GFA Sources 176 KB

Older versions are kept in the repository.

Some videos can be found on my youtube account to see the work-in-progress.

Xenon 2: Reloaded

See snapshotsest une réécriture en GFA en hommage à un ancien jeu de tir. Le but est d’y rejouer depuis le bureau GEM, dans les résolutions étendues des dernières machines et émulateurs Atari (FireBee, Falcon+CT60, Aranym, AtariX, etc).
Des niveaux de test sont fournis. Un éditeur de niveaux est fourni à côté pour que les passionnés puissent les construire eux-mêmes.

is a GFA rewrite and a tribute to an old famous excellent shoot’em’up game. The purpose is to play it again on the GEM desk, on the latest and high-end Atari machines or the new emulators (ie FireBee, Falcon+CT60, Aranym, AtariX). Test levels are packed in these archives. A levels editor is provided for fanboys to build their own maps.

Bomb The Bass’ original music is not included nor supported.

Archive Size Version Date
English Game 68K CFv4e 924 KB 2.1C 05-25-2024
  Sources 270 KB
Editor 68K CFv4e 41 KB 2.1 02-23-2019

Some snapshots of the game (credits 1 2 3 4 5) and its level editor (1 2 3 4 5).
Some work-in-progress videos are also available.

Manga Puzzle

See snapshotManga Puzzle is an albumware based on a ‘taquin’ game, as we call it in France. This game is a GEM conversion of an STE game written by Paradize group.
The program should run on every Atari, but needs a modern VDI, and 256 colors for the image set provided with the program. Customization is possible via an util provided in the archive, you must have the PARX.SYS modules to load GIF or PIx images. 2, 16 or 256 colors are permited.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
Français 68K CFv4e 910 Ko 1.2F 26/05/2024
English 68K CFv4e 910 KB 05-26-2024
Deutsch 68K CFv4e 911 KB 26.05.2024 Translated by Lars SCHMIDBAUER
Français GFA Sources 51 Ko 26/05/2024
Yaoi set 622.9 KB Images set for girlies and gayz

My Jester

See snapshotis a Shakespeare insult generator.
Sentences are displayed in a bubble, when the iconified window is clicked, while a naughty boy named Calvin is making faces at you.
The program runs on every Atari, but needs a modern OS such as MagiC or MiNT. Customization is possible via a RSC editor.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
English 68K CFv4e 31 KB 1.1D 05-27-2024
GFA Source 365 KB
Colored RSC 17 KB Made by Mathieu DEMANGE

Tramiel Quizz

See snapshotPetit questionnaire délirant et instructif sur la vie de Jack Tramiel, fondateur de Commodore et patron pour un temps d’Atari Corp. Ce logiciel est la transcription exacte d’un article paru dans un hors série de TILT 1988 (Match ST/Amiga).

Archive Size Version Date
Français 68K CFv4e 49 Ko 1.1D 27 Mai 2024
GFA Source 78 Ko


See snapshotSygne est un logiciel de Tarot divinatoire basé sur un article de Elle Magazine et illustré par Gimenez. Merci d’acheter des oeuvres de ce talentueux dessinateur.
Ce logiciel est aussi une blague posthume : l’ami Sygne030 plaisantait pour que je code ça. Et bien maintenant, il l’a. « Sans rancune, Guillaume » ;p

Archives Size Version Date
Français 68K CFv4e 5.3 Mo 1.1E 27/05/2024
GFA Source 74 Ko

Rosemary’s Racoon Strip Game

See snapshotJeu coquin tournant sous GEM et réalisé dans le cadre du MagiC Contest Online 1999. Ce jeu est une reprise d’un vieux logiciel conçu et dessiné par Bruno BELLAMY et Michel DESANGLES. Merci de bien lire la documentation : ce logiciel est un AlbumWare de la bande dessinée Sylfeline.

Naughty Strip game released for the MagiC Online Contest 1999. This is a rewrite of an old game published by the French ST-Magazine. You can play with Rosemary Racoon, Kathy Koala and Peggy Pinguin.

Archives Size Version Date
Français 68K CFv4e 212 Ko 2.2B 26 Mai 2024
English 68K CFv4e 211 KB May 26th 2024
Français GFA Sources 71 Ko 26 Mai 2024


Library using the LDG system and the dosfs functions, only for floppy disks images (hard disk support is removed), taken from ggnkua’s Jacknife Total Commander plugin, and modified a little to rename files/folders (and volume name if present in the FAT).
Used by:
KK Commander to handle ST and MSA floppy disks images.
Other programs can use it, please read KKcmd GFA sources (dfs_* functions) as exemple.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 95 KB 20-05-2024 release 1
C Sources 125 KB from Jacknife/dosfs 1.03


Library using the LDG system and the zlib functions (crc32, deflate and inflate algorithms, etc).
Used by:
KK Commander to handle PKZIP archives (zip, unzip).
Troll and Crésus to create backup archives (zip).
Other programs can use it, please read the how-to and functions calls in the st-guide documentation and exemple.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 118 KB 10-05-2024 release 6
C Sources 478 KB from zlib 1.3.1
GFA Source 151 KB 05-10-2024 usage example,
originaly released for STimulus #10 webzine

Older and lighter versions are kept in the repository.


See snapshotApplicatif de suivi de comptes bancaires : gestion des montants en double monnaie (au choix), colorisation des mouvements et affectations, les écritures automatiques, filtres, impressions, export, archivage.

Bank accounts manager, which allows double currency display, colorizations, automatic transactions, printing, export, filtering, archiving…

Needs the Deflate.ldg to archive its datas into a PKZIP file.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
Français 68K CFv4e 138 Ko 1.2I 06/05/2024
English 68K CFv4e 136 KB 05-06-2024 Translated by Derryck CROKER
Français GFA Source 137 Ko 06/05/2024

Older versions are kept in the repository.

Joe – HTML Editor

See snapshotEditeur de texte spécialisé dans l’édition de pages HTML et interfacé avec CAB. Comporte dans l’archive une série de programmes externes appelée « Joe’s Good Tricks » qui sont des générateurs de balises HTML.
Fonctionne avec 1Mo, nécessite 2Mo pour avoir en même temps Joe et CAB en mémoire. Il existe un ressource 256 couleurs fait par Thierry LEROY.

Text editor specialized in HTML coding and Web editing, interfaced with CAB.
Needs 1Mb (2Mb if running with CAB in multitasking mode). The pack called « Joe’s Good Tricks » is included in the archive and generates HTML tags.

Supported protocols: Drag&Drop, OLGA, BubbleGEM, DHST, VA_START, GEMScript.

         Archives Size Version       Date       Notes
Français 68K CFv4e 311 Ko 1.5D 05-06-2024  
English 68K CFv4e 305 KB  
Deutsch 68K CFv4e 308 KB Translated by Jens HATLAK
Swedish 68K CFv4e 306 KB Translated by Jörgen NYBERG
Italian 68K CFv4e 307 KB Translated by Lodovico ZANIER
Czech 68K CFv4e 307 KB Translated by Bohdan MILAR
Français GFA Sources 250 Ko  
English Scripts 19.1 KB   04-29-2002 Extended scripts written by Dick MUELDIJK. These scripts run with Joe, Jinnee & Scripter, and Alexander Clauss’ formplugin. Please read the docs and the scripts before you execute them.