
Just another hexadecimal viewer and editor. Coded a new one because I got tired of old Discpac, which has issues on modern setups.

Currently for files, floppy disk A or B, ST-RAM, ST-Cartridge, TOS-ROM.
Can run as application or accessory.

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 45.4 KB 1.3 02-14-2024
GFA Sources 43.6 KB

For smaller RAM footprint, consider using previous version in the archives.

Fēng Shuǐ distro for GEM use

Here is a modest proposal for the V4SA, based on my own setup. My purpose is to use a simple and stable, clean and tidy GEM environment for my GFA coding: have to discard my own bugs from unsafe/unverified softwares. So few applications, the only I could use everyday. My own apps seem to run without a hitch, so they are present in number here. Sorry about that, please complete and test one by one with other softwares you want to use. Continuer la lecture de Fēng Shuǐ distro for GEM use


GEM port and rewrite of an old arcade game edited by NAMCO. The purpose of this freeware is fun and study. Monetization is forbidden.

Needs: 3MB RAM, screenmode since 320*400px with 256 colors or more.
Recommended: NVDI, TT-RAM, high-end Atari compatible machine such as V4SA, FireBee, Falcon060, Milan…

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 1.5 MB 1.0 01-12-2025
GFA Sources + graphics 3.5 MB


Means « Pixels to Sprites & Masks »: image tool dedicated for games development (2/16/256 colors sprites). Work is done on chunky two-dimensional byte-array, so that image modifications are made independently to current screenmode.
Can be used as plain drawing tool for oldschool pixel artwork.

Needs EdDI cookie for offscreen VDI (NVDI), plenty of RAM and strong CPU.
Uses a customized PARX.SYS, provided in the archives.

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 333.1 KB 1.2C 12-29-2024
GFA Sources 153.2 KB


Library using the LDG system and the dosfs functions, only for floppy disks images (hard disk support is removed), taken from ggnkua’s Jacknife Total Commander plugin, and modified a little to rename files/folders (and volume name if present in the FAT).
Used by:
KK Commander to handle ST and MSA floppy disks images.
Other programs can use it, please read KKcmd GFA sources (dfs_* functions) as exemple.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 94.6 KB 12-29-2024 release 2
C Sources or on github 73.7 KB from Jacknife/dosfs 1.03

Xenon 2: Reloaded

See snapshotsest une réécriture en GFA en hommage à un ancien jeu de tir. Le but est d’y rejouer depuis le bureau GEM, dans les résolutions étendues des dernières machines et émulateurs Atari (FireBee, Falcon+CT60, Aranym, AtariX, etc).
Des niveaux de test sont fournis. Un éditeur de niveaux est fourni à côté pour que les passionnés puissent les construire eux-mêmes.

is a GFA rewrite and a tribute to an old famous excellent shoot’em’up game. The purpose is to play it again on the GEM desk, on the latest and high-end Atari machines or the new emulators (ie V4SA, FireBee, Falcon+CT60, Aranym, AtariX). Test levels are packed in these archives. A levels editor is provided for fanboys to build their own maps.

Bomb The Bass’ original music is not included nor supported.

Archive Size Version Date
English Game 68K CFv4e 924.0 KB 2.1D 12-27-2024
  GFA Sources + graphics 2.8 MB
Editor 68K CFv4e 42.1 KB 2.1B 12-27-2024

Some snapshots of the game (credits 1 2 3 4 5) and its level editor (1 2 3 4 5).
Some work-in-progress videos are also available.


See snapshotis a Dungeon Master clone.
The program uses the images of the legendary game. So you must have the original disk of Dungeon Master or Chaos Strikes back for the copyright.
If you’re a DM-addict, go to see the The Dungeon Master Encyclopedia.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
UK All 68K CFv4e 1.9 MB 1.2E 12-27-2024
Fixes 68K CFv4e 148.6 KB If you have already v1.0.
GFA Sources + graphics 5.9 MB With its dev-utils.
Français Guides 24.8 Ko 25/12/2024 Traduits par Bibou.
UK DEditor 68K CFv4e 143 KB 1.1 05-28-2024 See the snapshot (23 KB).

B+ Project

See snapshots est un port-réécriture en GEM et GFA de la version remasterisée Amiga. Nécessite un mode vidéo au minimum de 640*480 px et 256 couleurs.
Sur machine rapide de préférence.

is a GEM and GFA port of the revamped Amiga version. This project is frozen: current step is AI for computer fighter but I’m not motivated to code any AI that cut heads off. Maybe work will resume in a few years.
Since 640*480*256c screenmode. NVDI and quick machine strongly advised.

Archive Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 3.5 MB (dev’s frozen) 12-27-2024
GFA Sources 175.1 KB

Older versions are kept in the repository.

Some videos can be found on my youtube account to see the work-in-progress.

(Rage) Screen Saver

Another screen saver accessory. Originaly developped for fVDI on Falcon+Eclipse and ATI RageIIc, under MagiC environment. And now extended for FreeMiNT.

Mouse cursor moves are monitored. If inaction, then 2 actions:
1 – first is software (MagiC or MiNT required), launching an animation program such as one of my VDI Effects or one of your own.
and/or, but always next
2 – second is DPMS, with two methods:
2.1 – one software, by displaying a black image, in order to save pixels, and hopefully for the monitor to detect it and turn into sleep mode.
2.2 – one hardware, by setting off the display in the registers of the video card. Detection is automatic if PCI BIOS is available. If not, you can set it manually for your video card expansion. Read the ST-Guide documentation and the GFA sources.

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 31.3 KB 1.4C 11-23-2024
GFA Source 41.8 KB


Brings SSL/TLS layer (recent TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3) to clients applications using MiNTnet and STinG/STiK TCP layers.
Built on mbedTLS 3.6.2 and LDG system.
Used by :
Troll, usenet and email client.
Meg, mailbox checker and spam eraser.
Litchi, ftp client.
Other programs can use it, please read the how-to and functions calls in the st-guide documentation.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

NB: TLS 1.2 needs a very strong CPU (060, ColdFire, Aranym, V4SA). TLS 1.3 seems quicker but still may also good highclocked CPU.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 485-513 KB 11-11-2024 release 2
Local sources lib + ldg or
on github-lib + github-ldg
55 KB download also mbedTLS 3.6.2
(local link)
HYP guide 7 KB how-to use this LDG

Older versions are kept in the repository.


Brings SSL/TLS layer (SSL 3.0 to old TLS 1.2) to clients applications using MiNTnet and STinG/STiK TCP layers.
Built on mbedTLS 1.3.22 and LDG system.
Used by :
Troll, usenet and email client.
Meg, mailbox checker and spam eraser.
Litchi, ftp client.
Other programs can use it, please read the how-to and functions calls in the st-guide documentation.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

NB: TLS 1.2 needs a very strong CPU (060, ColdFire, Aranym, V4SA).

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 377-406 KB 10-26-2024 release 9
Local sources lib + ldg or
on github-lib + github-ldg
35 KB download also mbedTLS 1.3.22
(local link)
HYP guide 7 KB how-to use this LDG

Older versions are kept in the repository.


See snapshotLecteur de forums de discussions (NNTP) et client pour courriers électroniques (POP3, IMAP4, SMTP). Couche TCP/IP STinG ou MiNTnet+GlueSTiK nécessaire. Peut accéder à des messageries sécurisées avec l’aide de d’une librarie SSL/TLS.

Usenet newsreader and email client. STinG or MiNTnet+GlueSTiK TCP/IP layer needed.

The program needs:
PolarSSL.ldg or mbedTLS.ldg to manage secure connections. This library brings SSL/TLS to MiNtnet and STinG TCP layers, and allows the Troll to connect with POPS, SMTPS, IMAPS, POP3 with STLS, SMTP with STARTTLS, IMAP4 with STARTTLS, NNTPS, NNTP with STARTTLS.
Deflate.ldg for backup.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
Français 68K CFv4e 230 Ko 1.8G 26/10/2024
English 68K CFv4e 226 KB 10-26-2024 Translated by Dennis VERMEIRE+
German 68K CFv4e 234 KB 26.10.2024 Translated by Lars SCHMIDBAUER
Italian 68K CFv4e 230 KB 10-26-2024 Translated by Lodovico ZANIER
Polish 68K CFv4e 230 KB 26.10.2024 Translated by Piotr MIETNIOWSKI
English GFA Source 349 KB 10-26-2024

Older versions are kept in the repository.


See snapshotClient FTP sous GEM. Nécessite la couche TCP/IP STinG ou MiNTnet+Gluestick. Supporte la couche SSL/TLS (méthodes explicite et implicite) pour le chiffrage des commandes et des données.

FTP client which can handle secure connections (ftpes:// and ftps://).
STinG or MiNTnet+Gluestick TCP/IP layer needed.

The program needs:
PolarSSL.ldg or mbedTLS.ldg to manage secure connections. This library brings SSL/TLS to MiNtnet and STinG TCP layers, and allows Litchi to connect with FTP over SSL/TLS.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
Français 68K CFv4e 133 Ko 1.3M 26/10/2024
English 68K CFv4e 130 KB 10-26-2024
Deutsch 68K CFv4e 134 KB 26.10.2024 Translated by Lars SCHMIDBAUER
English GFA Source 208 KB 10-26-2024


See snapshotMeg est un vérificateur automatique de boîtes aux lettres et un filtre de courriers. Nécessite la couche TCP/IP STinG ou MiNTnet+GlueSTiK. Conseillé pour un environnement multitâche moderne type MagiC ou MiNT et une connexion permanente à Internet. Il est possible de se connecter en mode sécurisé avec une librairie SSL/TLS.

Meg is a checker and email filter for your POP3 and IMAP4 mailboxes. Need STiK or MiNTnet+GlueSTiK TCP/IP Layer. This program is based on the study of Kellis’ POPGEM.

The program needs:
PolarSSL.ldg or mbedTLS.ldg to manage secure connections. This library brings SSL/TLS to MiNtnet and STinG TCP layers, and allows Meg to connect with POP3S or POP3 with STLS, IMAPS or IMAP4 with STARTTLS.

Archives Size Version Date
Français 68K CFv4e 233 Ko 1.5E 26/10/2024
English 68K CFv4e 232 KB 10-26-2024
German 68K CFv4e 234 KB 26.10.2024 Translated by Lars SCHMIDBAUER
Polish 68K CFv4e 233 KB 10-26-2024 Translated by Piotr MIETNIOWSKI
English GFA Source 115 KB 10-26-2024

Older versions can be found in the repository.

LCD Games

Modest GEM ports of Nintendo’s Game&Watch LCD games from the eighties.
Since 320x200px and 16 colors screenmode. Use Falcon XBIOS DMA sound or compatible layer.

Currently available: Fire, Parachute, Chef, Octopus, Man Hole, Tropical Fish.
Other may be added in the future.

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 213 KB release 2 08-16-2024
GFA Sources 282 KB