
See snapshotClient FTP sous GEM. Nécessite la couche TCP/IP STinG ou MiNTnet+Gluestick. Supporte la couche SSL/TLS (méthodes explicite et implicite) pour le chiffrage des commandes et des données.

FTP client which can handle secure connections (ftpes:// and ftps://).
STinG or MiNTnet+Gluestick TCP/IP layer needed.

The program needs:
PolarSSL.ldg or mbedTLS.ldg to manage secure connections. This library brings SSL/TLS to MiNtnet and STinG TCP layers, and allows Litchi to connect with FTP over SSL/TLS.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
Français 68K CFv4e 133 Ko 1.3M 26/10/2024
English 68K CFv4e 130 KB 10-26-2024
Deutsch 68K CFv4e 134 KB 26.10.2024 Translated by Lars SCHMIDBAUER
English GFA Source 208 KB 10-26-2024

18 réflexions sur « Litchi »

  1. Changes in 1.3M version:

    • add: MBEDTLS.LDG support, with choice in security prefs panel between the old and new libraries.
    • mod: POLARSSL.CA filename changed to CACERT.PEM.
    • fix: use of clean revamped EXIST() instead of old Fopen() trick.
  2. Changes in 1.3L version:

    • del: removed STAT command from get (remote) file/folder informations.
    • mod: revamped file size detection before download (can be disabled in the miscellaneous options).
    • add: message in console and log if buffer for remote directory is not enough (edit litchi.cfg and inscrease MISC_LIST_BUFFER_SIZE_KB value).
    • mod: errors in console also printed out in log file.
    • opt: removed double messages for infos in console and log file.
    • fix: anonymous login with direct 230 response instead of 331 (no PASS to use).
    • fix: forgot to handle aliases/symlink with MLSD.
    • add: try to move to aliases/symlink directory.
  3. Changes in 1.3K version:

    • add: get actual remote selected files sizes before download (passive mode only).
    • mod: download file/name conflict dialog was always displayed if the download directory was truncated (292, mode 5 = DOS8+3). Now behavior is same as directory containing long filenames. So be careful with two remotes files with long names that may become one local file with DOS8+3 name.
    • mod: download file/name conflict dialog: « Abort » button instead of option.
    • fix: hide « same choice for next conflicts » if download is just for one file.
    • fix: bad value for resume download (REST command) (not tested).
    • fix: miscellaneous preference choice for download file/name conflict didn’t save « forget, go to next file » choice in the config file.
    • fix: use _MCH>&H40000 for ARanyM and V4SA for strong_cpu! flag.

    Thanks to MiKRO and T.Otto

  4. Changes in 1.3J version:

    • fix: sort by date or type were not correctly read from the configuration file.
    • fix: when using the sliders, redraw window content only if necessary.
    • fix: Dsetdrv() with bad value if drive letter was minor-case.
    • fix: Drvmap() replaced by Dsetdrv(Dgetdrv()) for drives detection.
    • fix: add prefix « u: » on $HOME value if written in un*x fashion.
    • add: in the Misc Options, Drives panel, with 3 new options: don’t list A:, don’t list B:, use « u:\x\ » rather than « X:\ » for MiNT.

    Thanks to MiKRO and Kroll

  5. Changes in 1.3I version:

    • fix: Control+1 on the numeric pad triggered program Quit.
    • fix: WIND_GET/SET calls on horizontal slider on the console window (but it hasn’t these widgets).
    • fix: buffer size inscreased for MLSD/LIST in the remote folder (256KB, less if not enough RAM, minimum 80KB), can be customized by editing the LITCHI.CFG file, value of MISC_LIST_BUFFER_SIZE_KB (in KB).
    • fix: errors if LITCHI.RSC not found.

    Thanks to Lars Schmidbauer, Thorsten Otto, Lonny Pursell

  6. Fixes in the 1.3H version, related to the timestamps given by LIST ftp command:

    • fix: if hour is not provided, then hour will not be displayed.
    • fix: if hour is provided (ie not the year), then system date and file date are compared to determine between current year or last year (the system clock must be right/fixed/set for correct display).

    Thanks to Lars SCHMIDBAUER

  7. Changes in the 1.3G version:

    • add: restore windows internal positions if browsing reaches back (after going down the files tree).
    • fix: clean error message when disconnecting.
  8. Changes in the 1.3F version:

    • fix: while download, if conflict name and choice for other name, this new name could be blank if period and extension were missing.
  9. Changes in the 1.3E version:

    • fix: UTF-8 decoding (letter+0xCC+glyph, ç Ç). Less Malloc/Mfree.
    • fix: conflict names dialog appeared to many times if DOS8+3 file renaming was enabled, evenif miscellanous options were already set.
    • fix: transfered filename wasn’t displayed after conflict name dialog.
    • fix: test if GEMDOS(0x160 = Fsocket() is available, if not then MiNTnet API is not used directly and need all GlueSTiK Gateway.
    • fix: force MiNTnet usage in PolarSSL if MiNTnet GEMDOS API is used.
    • fix: bad parameter in Fgetsockname().
    • fix: Fcntl(set flags) is discarded (3 bombs) if MiNTnet is used under MagiC and ACTIVE transfer mode.

    -> works now on MagiCNet and older MiNT.
    Thanks to Gerhard STOLL

  10. Changes in the 1.3D version:

    • fix: RAM allocations were done in ST-RAM instead in TT-RAM, including for the files transfers.

    Thanks to Miro Kropáček and Helmut Karlowski

  11. Changes in the 1.3C version:

    • fix: connexion problems on the FTP Command port with MiNTnet and MiNT 1.19 (wrong usage of Fselect(1,…))
  12. News in the 1.3B version:

    • add: SSL/TLS support for secure connections over STinG TCP layer, with POLARSSL.LDG since release 2.
    • add: misc > security option, wished ciphersuites can be declared.
    • fix: smoother transfers with STinG (better managment of E_NODATA and E_OBUFFULL messages).
    • fix: dates of received files were not fixed with the GMT shift.
    • fix: show titles in the fileselector.
    • fix: stack problem, missing 3rd parameter for tcp_close() (STiK >= 01.20)
    • fix: certificate check is possible only under MagiC or MiNT (loading and parsing POLARSSL.CA uses too many malloc() for old TOS).
    • fix: remove unnecessary $C+ and $C-
  13. News in the 1.3 version:

    • add: SSL/TLS support for secure connections, with POLARSSL.LDG library (and LDG.PRG in AUTO folder).
      • for now, only with MiNTNet TCP layer.
      • secure connection FTP over SSL/TLS, explicit or implicit methods.
      • can inclure secure transfers for datas (optional, « PROT P » command).
      • can secure only for authentification (« CCC » command).
      • optional verification of the servers certificates, with POLARSSL.CA (located beside POLARSSL.LDG)
      • choice of the minimal and maximal protocols versions: from SSL 3.0 to TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2. Default is min = max = SSL 3.0.
      • managment for ftpes:// and ftps:// in arguments ARGS and VA_START.
    • fix: possible crash at start, when reading the preferences file.
    • fix: better handling of FTP responses, browsing is more convenient, no more delays after files list and transfers.
    • fix: removed some MiNTnet calls that fooled the client about the connection, crash could happen if server wasn’t available.
    • fix: crash if could not send FTP command (server has closed the connection or became unavailable).
    • fix: one file (or more) was missing if one reconnection (or more) happened while downloading.
    • fix: crash of AVSERVER under Memory Protection mode, when the AV_PATH_UPDATE was sent.
    • fix: URL in ARGV was forgotten at start.
    • fix: buffer bad sizes for big files, download could crash under Memory Protection mode, upload could corrupt files.
    • add: if present in the server’s features (command « FEAT »), the « MLSD » command is used instead of « LIST ». This fixes files dates if there’s no saved clock.
    • add: GMT correction for remote files dates.
    • add: German date format.
    • add: if supported (MLSD or UTF8 in the server FEATures), then special characters in filenames are supported (UTF-8 <> Atari charset).
    • add: VA_DRAGACCWIND support (drag’n’drop from AV server like Thing desk), filenames managment improved for spaces and quotes.
    • fix: cookie detection method preferentialy uses Ssystem().
    • fix: mouse cursor hide/show with AES GRAF_MOUSE function instead of VDI v_hide/show_c.
    • chg: code cleaning.

    Thanks to Lars SCHMIDBAUER

  14. Change in the 1.2E version:

    • fix: display in iconified window under MyAES.
  15. News in the 1.2D version:

    • add: in display options, windows can be linked (convenient for larges screens) if mode is not free.
    • new: error message in console if PORT command is refused (Active mode not supported by FTP server).
    • new: error message in console when download ends if one file (or more) in the list was downloaded incomplete.
    • new: if not url is set, mouse click on ftp site pop-up opens url dialog.
    • add: in conflict filename dialog, ‘same choice’ for the next conflicts.
  16. News in the 1.2C version:

    • fix: changes in ftp_get_response() for correct authentification to Kurobox (Merci à Lars Schmidbauer).
    • add: wind_update() with NO_BLOCK for MagiC and new AES, transfers are not blocked any more by other redraw (Merci à Daroou).
    • fix: progress bar and stats display less slow while transfers.
    • fix: division with zero (occured when scanning folders, STinG and MegaST).
    • fix: Control key actions were inactivated if CapsLock was enabled (at least under XaAES).
  17. News in the 1.2B version:

    • fix: authentification problem with distants servers with MiNTnet (ftp get response wasn’t getting long responses).
    • fix: Tab and Control+I had the same effect.
    • fix: with restored session and MiNT, confirmation dialog wasn’t displayed.
    • add: retreive and send functions in right-click popup menu.
    • fix: realtime calculations disabled on ColdFire (speedrate’s too fast, computation is too slow and may block/forget some data)

    Thanks to Lars SCHMIDBAUER.

  18. News in the 1.2 version:

    • compiled with Lonny Pursell’s GFA Library, with Classic 68000 and ColdFire targets..
    • rewrite of file load functions for preferences and text clipboard.
    • MiNTnet sockets are used directly. Gluestick is still and only needed for the STiK cookie and its resolver function. Consequences: files transfers are quicker and safer.
    • some delay removed before downloads, that could loss some datas.
    • misc option to save urls, preferences and session on exit and restore the session on the next launch.
    • with mouse right-click on remote or local windows: pop-up with some features displayed at cursor mouse position.

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