My Jester

See snapshotis a Shakespeare insult generator.
Sentences are displayed in a bubble, when the iconified window is clicked, while a naughty boy named Calvin is making faces at you.
The program runs on every Atari, but needs a modern OS such as MagiC or MiNT. Customization is possible via a RSC editor.

Archives Size Version Date Notes
English 68K CFv4e 31 KB 1.1D 05-27-2024
GFA Source 365 KB
Colored RSC 17 KB Made by Mathieu DEMANGE

3 réflexions sur « My Jester »

  1. Changes in the 1.1D version:

    • fix: alert for 640x400px screenmode minimum needed (then continue).
    • fix: start window is width reduced and objects fixed for 200px height.
    • chg: use of clean revamped EXIST() instead of old Fopen() trick.
    • code cleaning.
  2. Changes in the 1.1C version:

    • fix: removed unnecessary INF file, iconified position is now set only by the AES.
    • fix: search in cookie jar is more respectful to the system.
    • add: application cute name for taskbar.
  3. New in the 1.1B version:

    • fix: display in iconified window under MyAES.
    • fix: cosmetic change in ressource file for XaAES.

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