
See snapshotMoniteur sonore du Falcon. Surveille en permanence le système matrice + interface son de l’oiseau et l’affiche dans une fenêtre. Possibilité de modifier cette configuration, de charger un éxécutable DSP, de faire un Reset Son et/ou DSP… Une documentation en hypertexte ainsi que des bulles d’aides sont fournies en sus.

Sound system monitor and managment for the Falcon030. Sound configuration can be saved and loaded. DSP managment ((un)lock, execute a LOD file, reset). With ST-Guide documentation and BubbleGEM Help.

Archives Size Version Date
Français 68K 61.6 Ko 1.4H 16/04/2014
English 68K 60.5 KB 04-16-2014
Français GFA Source 38.0 Ko 16/04/2014

An older archive is located the repository.

6 réflexions sur « Iphigénie »

  1. News in the 1.4H version:

    • fix: works now as before in ACCessory mode under MagiC and monoTOS
      (thanks to a fix in Lonny Pursell’s Library).
    • add: wrong CPU alert (FATAL test).
    • chg: ERR=8 test for available memory at start.
  2. Changes in the 1.4G version:

    • fix: possible crash at start when reading the preference file or when a sound configuration file is loaded.
  3. Changes in the 1.4F version:

    • fix: internal menu wasn’t displayed under MagiC environment.
    • fix: internal menu titles were still selected under XaAES.
    • fix: search in the cookie jar is more respectful to the system.
  4. Changes in the 1.4E version:

    • chg: usage of AES extensions for internal menu (WF_MENU with wind_set()).
    • fix: use of AES graf_mouse() instead of VDI for hide/show mouse cursor.
  5. Change in the 1.4D version:

    • fix: display in iconified window under MyAES.
  6. New in the 1.4C version:

    • recompiled with Lonny Pursell’s GFA Library, with Classic 68000 target.
    • rewrite of load/save functions (preferences and sound system configurations), code cleaning.
    • fixes on the RSC file for XaAES.

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