Means « Pixels to Sprites & Masks »: image tool dedicated for games development (2/16/256 colors sprites). Work is done on chunky two-dimensional byte-array, so that image modifications are made independently to current screenmode.
Currently evolving to plain drawing tool.

Needs EdDI cookie for offscreen VDI (NVDI), plenty of RAM and strong CPU.
Uses a customized PARX.SYS, provided in the archives.

Archives Size Version Date
English 68K CFv4e 329 KB 1.2 08-22-2024
GFA Sources 151 KB

4 réflexions sur « P2SM »

  1. Changes in 1.2 version:

    Raster window

    • add: image rotate in +/-90° steps.
    • add: show x+y coords when mouse cursor is in hand pointing state.
    • add: can save a block copy to scrap.img (enable it in the preferences).
    • fix: infinite loop if flood fill on same color.
    • fix: recalculate main color after flood fill.
    • fix: bad edges detection (for example, made bad block redraw on edges).
    • fix: for some tools, forgot to top window after click in void zone.
    • mod: tools are reordered in the pop-up and F1-F10 keys.

    Images list

    • add: save and load images list as project (*.ILT), with optional list clearing before loading (enable this in the preferences).
    • add: close all images (except those that have the flag ‘modified’).
    • fix: wrong address pointer for raster used when closing image.
    • fix: alert if try to load image without palette or not handled by RIM (no alert when multiple loads with Drag’n’drop).
    • fix: last item wasn’t fully displayed in the window bottom.
    • fix: scrolling with down key and item selected.


    • fix: buttons still selected after paths were changed.
    • fix: could not set default raster tool mode greater than ‘image shift’.


    • fix: show title (wrong AES/GEMDOS version detection).
    • fix: correct use of filters.
  2. Changes in 1.1 version:

    Raster window

    • add: brush (draw with 16x16px pattern).
    • add: gum color is possible for flood filler.
    • add: « a=b » button for equal sides (square/circle for rectangle/ellipse).
    • add: settings button: fill pattern for surfaces, type-width-ends for lines.
    • add: remember sliders positions.
    • mod: allow zoom up to 32 if image =< 128*128px.
    • fix: zoom>1 still displayed image evenif deselection in image list.
    • fix: use other safer algorithm for flood filler (stack overflow).
    • fix: forgot the ‘modified’ flag for VDI basics and flood filler.

    Palette tool

    • add: rearrange colors order.
    • add: generate gradient in colors modificator.
    • fix: could not select index 0 in palette tools color table.

    Images list

    • fix: 2 bitplanes images are loaded and converted to 4 bitplanes.
    • fix: double-click on toolbar opened the metadatas window.
    • fix: closing an image made the next ones with bad palette.


    • mod: Text window becomes Tools attributes window with sub-panels.
    • add: save tools attributes and preferences windows positions in CFG file.
    • fix: alert if screensize is not enough.
  3. Changes in 1.0 version:

    • add: Undo (^Z) and Redo (^Y), with raster changes history.
    • add: VDI basics: (filled|hollowed) rectangles and ellipses, polylines, text.
    • add: built-in drawing basic: flood filler.
    • add: BubbleGEM support, with P2SM.BUB file.
    • add: logfile (generaly to u:\ram\p2sm.log).
    • add: arrange/dispose windows (^J).
    • mod: the Fonts window is revamped for Text function (font, size, attributes and edit). The fonts for images list is relocated in the preferences.
    • add: preference for opening automaticaly or not the metadatas window for new images.
    • add: preference for lowercase filenames/extensions.
    • add: preference for default raster mode edition (load, new, paste as new).
    • fix: possible crash at rename filename function.
    • fix: corrupted saved files if length > 16000 KB (ex: large block copy).
    • fix: block copy added one more extra line at bottom with left pixel.
    • fix: extension was lost after renaming image.
    • fix: overwrite alert wrongly displayed for « Save » same name.
    • fix: set as modified the color-remaped loaded images.
    • fix: add « u: » and convert slashes for $HOME value written in un*x format.
    • add: arrows keys are effective on raster window for scrolling. (old behavior is kept for mirror and shift mode).
    • mod: ^Del instead of ^U for closing image, the previous image in the list become selected.
    • fix: removed Insert key, use only ^N.
    • fix: palette tools, modificator pane: conflit between C and ^C.
    • fix: ^M was not active in image metadatas window.
    • fix: Save as (^M) was possible only if modified.
    • fix: raster: block selection, display W and H values (-1 for both).
    • fix: raster: will redraw block only in block mode (F2).
    • fix: raster: pixel at 0,0 = block unselected block display.
    • fix: raster: void zone was not redrawn when unzoomed.
    • fix: raster: closing all, remained first raster.
    • fix: raster: was not all all redrawn after resize.
    • fix: images list: bad redraw when scrolling to bottom.
    • fix: images list: no redraw after renaming.
    • fix: if vertical/horizontal slided, only redraw if changed.
    • mod: use of clean revamped EXIST() instead of old Fopen() trick.
    • rmv: records slot 2 (MFDB) unused.
    • fix: iconified window title.

    Changes in 1.2 version for tools:

    • fix: parx.mem use is removed.
    • fix: parx.sys functions from P2SM code.
    • add: trace to u:\ram\make_dg?.log (MiNT only).
    • fix: MAKE_DGI: export in TC24 mode was missing.
    • fix: MAKE_DGX: remap with extended did not expand bitplane number to 8.
    • chg: menu removed, Quit = close main window.
    • chg: settings in $HOME and shared between the 2 MAKE_*.
    • add: settings: use or not lowercase for extensions (.vdi, .dgi, .dgx).
    • add: tools.hyp file guide, with fixes in the documentation.

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