
Library using the LDG system and the dosfs functions, only for floppy disks images (hard disk support is removed), taken from ggnkua’s Jacknife Total Commander plugin, and modified a little to rename files/folders (and volume name if present in the FAT).
Used by:
KK Commander to handle ST and MSA floppy disks images.
Other programs can use it, please read KKcmd GFA sources (dfs_* functions) as exemple.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 94.6 KB 12-29-2024 release 2
C Sources or on github 73.7 KB from Jacknife/dosfs 1.03

Une réflexion sur « Dosfs.ldg »

  1. Changes in release 2:

    • fix by ggn/kua: issue to access directory if same name as volume.

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