
Brings SSL/TLS layer (recent TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3) to clients applications using MiNTnet and STinG/STiK TCP layers.
Built on mbedTLS 3.6.2 and LDG system.
Used by :
Troll, usenet and email client.
Meg, mailbox checker and spam eraser.
Litchi, ftp client.
Other programs can use it, please read the how-to and functions calls in the st-guide documentation.

Here are listed versions for 68K, 68020-060 and ColdFire V4e using cross-compilation and the mintlib. Safe LDG.PRG is provided to install TSR ldg functions and the ‘LDGM’ cookie needed for my applications.

NB: TLS 1.2 needs a very strong CPU (060, ColdFire, Aranym, V4SA). TLS 1.3 seems quicker but still may also good highclocked CPU.

Archives Size Date Notes
English 68K 020-060 CFv4e 485-513 KB 11-11-2024 release 2
Local sources lib + ldg or
on github-lib + github-ldg
55 KB download also mbedTLS 3.6.2
(local link)
HYP guide 7 KB how-to use this LDG

Older versions are kept in the repository.

2 réflexions sur « mbedTLS.ldg »

  1. News in the release 2:

    • built on mbed-TLS version 3.6.2, fixes related to private key creation.
    • stack increased from 128 to 256 KB.
  2. News in the release 1:

    • built with gcc 12.4, based on mbed-TLS version 3.6.1
    • brings recent TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 for tcp clients.
    • researches on upgrade from PolarSSL.ldg and extended structures by Thorsten-Otto (many thanks to him).

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